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starter woes

Discussion in 'Early CJ5 and CJ6 Tech' started by dieselcj, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. Aug 3, 2004

    dieselcj New Member

    B.C. Canada
    Feb 10, 2003
    Hello group;
    long time since my last post, but I read this great forum regularly.
    I have a problem with my starter It is a british made lucas unit on the 192 perkins diesel engine. the solenoid is mounted on the starter, and when I crank it over the connection (ground) between the switch and starter becomes very hot. I have installed a new solenoid,battery,wires(big ones) new starter brushes and cleaned up the armature. this connection is made with a piece of 1/2 by
    1/16 by 2 inch brass type material. any electrical gurus with an opinion on this ? the unit worked fine for 6 months after the new solenoid. any advice is always appreciated

    James O`Shea
    1964 cj 5
  2. Aug 3, 2004

    66cj5 Jeep with no name

    NorthWest Indiana
    Sep 10, 2003
    try a wire (4 gauge) and see if that solves the problem.
  3. Aug 3, 2004

    m38willys Jeep Vice 2024 Sponsor

    Green Cove...
    Sep 30, 2002
    Any time an electrical connection gets hot, typically its because of resistance.(too much) Make sure that particular connection is clean and making good contact. Or it could be that the starter is bad. Several things can cause a starter to draw more current than normal, or not spin an engine at the normal speed. If bushings in the nose cone, or tail of the armature are excessively worn, the armature can 'yaw' in the housing and cause binding. this will cause it to draw more amps to spin at the same speed. The nose cone not being bolted down squarely to the housing will have the same effect. additionally, a starter drive that is engaging the flywheel ring gear too deeply can cause binding and more amperage draw. These all lead to hot contacts. On another note, when replacing the brushes, the commutator usually needs to be cleaned up as well to prevent internal shorting of the armature. One last thing, is the engine grounded well?
    hope this helps.
  4. Aug 4, 2004

    dieselcj New Member

    B.C. Canada
    Feb 10, 2003
    Thanks for the suggestions. I replaced the ground wire and cleaned all connections there. I also put new brass bushings in the starter (filled the cavities with oil and pressed them in every thing seemed to spin ok) all I did to the commutator was clean the mica grooves it was not turned on a lath. The connection piece is original to the starter. The starter has a nose cone with a bushing
    can this type of starter engage too deeply if the jeep dosen`t start quickly the connection can become red hot, will or can a defective
    solenoid cause this? thanks again
  5. Aug 4, 2004

    jpflat2a what's that noise?

    Hermosa, SD
    Jul 30, 2003
    is this a negative ground or positive ground system? (negative/positive earth as the Brits say)
    just curious if this is the problem
  6. Aug 4, 2004

    Hippo393 Jeepless

    Charlotte, NC
    Sep 22, 2002
    Hi James,

    I just went through this with a non-diesel V6. Ha ha, the topic was titled "Thick starter cable melting!" just a few weeks ago. Seems like I had similar symptoms of hot wires that were, of course, unexpected.

    Feel free to take the starter to a local AutoZone for a free starter test. I couldn't believe that my known-good starter was somehow deficient, and the test revealed it to my surprise. Couldn't hurt. HTH!
  7. Aug 4, 2004

    dieselcj New Member

    B.C. Canada
    Feb 10, 2003
    The system is negative ground. 6 months back when I replaced the solenoid I had a bench test done by a starter repair shop
    they simply got it spinning and jammed a piece of oak wood into the gear, it performed like a router burnt chips flying . I guess I`ll
    bring it there again It was pretty cheap anyway Thanks
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