If you haven't already, take a look at the 2A forum www.thecj2apage.com Lots of help.
This seat was in my 2A when I bought it 11 years ago, not stock (for a 2A). Someone thought it belonged to an early 5 or a 3B. Thanks, Rit...
Ithink the originals were about 16ga, I like your idea of 14ga. bigger is better.
Sammy, Sorry I don't come around much anymore but, on www.thecj2apage.com there are a couple of guys manuf. the bows. Check out the owner...
As Howard said, also on the CJ2A Page some one showed, maybe 3" or 4" X 3/16" (guessing) strips on the inside of the tailgate to distribute the...
Sorry it's so blury, but it's just bolted to the gate. This will change after the rebuild, I'm putting bolts where the chains are and adding a...
From the sounds of it I think your price is closer for the condition.
Just be prepared at the The CJ2A Page , they will resurrect a chip of rust. ;)
Yours doesn't look bad outside. I would clean it up an pull the tower to check the inside.
Here's the rebuild guide and a great video if you prefer. DIY http://www.willystech.com/wt/T90RebuildGuide/T90rebuild.htm
Just borrow your wife's turkey baster. You can get anything you need here, www.walcks4wd.com but use the phone.
I'm 6'2" and drive my 2A OK. After a while you just plain get used to. I love that thing :stout:
Was that Carnage? :stout:
"Aircraft Stripper" is supposed to be the strongest and I've seen it in Auto Zone. I did a tub off and it worked pretty good blasting it with a...
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