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Gas Tank Screen

Discussion in 'Early CJ5 and CJ6 Tech' started by SRedinger, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. Apr 24, 2009

    SRedinger Member

    Now Eugene, Oregon
    May 14, 2006
    I have my 1966 with an under the seat gas tank.

    It is old and been repaired-- the original outlet walled off, and the drain hole fitted with an outlet. The outlet thus has no screen.

    The tank does not leak, and is clean inside, but again has no screen at the outlet.

    This lack of a screen causes stalling when a particle gets sucked over the 3/8 in outlet.

    Has anyone installed a new screen-- (how?)

    Or rigged the tank with an outlet like a modern tank out of the top.

    I am running a carter electric model 4070 below the level of the bottom of the tank mounted to the Jeep frame.

    Any suggestions on modifying a stock under the seat tank what has no screen?
  2. Apr 24, 2009
    John Worman

    John Worman from New Mexico

    La Luz, New Mexico
    Sep 22, 2002
    Screen? Screen? I have a '66' with an electric pump, and I have a fuel filter, but there is no screen (and never has been) in my system. I'm still using the original outlet.

    In fact, I have 3 tanks on my Jeep and there aren't any screens on any of them....

    to see my rig;


    I would think the fuel filter should remove those particles.

  3. Apr 24, 2009

    nickmil In mothballs.

    Happy Valley, OR
    Sep 23, 2002
    No filter screen have I seen on any of the underseat tanks I've had. I'd put a filter between the outlet and the pump. Should have one there IMHO to protect the fuel pump.
  4. Apr 24, 2009

    LarryD Member

    Gallup NM/ 4 Corners
    Jul 7, 2006
    If you are getting a 3/8 outlet plugged I would either have the tank cleaned and lined or replace it.
  5. Apr 24, 2009

    Patrick Super Moderator Staff Member

    Los Alamos, NM
    Sep 22, 2002
    If you're getting junk through the lines from the tank, I'd just replace it. And run a good filter. There is no screen in the underseat tanks.
  6. Apr 26, 2009
    scott milliner

    scott milliner Master Fabricator

    Seattle Wa.
    Dec 17, 2002
    Only the military tank has a screen. It feeds out the top of the tank. Sorry will not fit into a CJ tank. :(
  7. Apr 27, 2009

    SRedinger Member

    Now Eugene, Oregon
    May 14, 2006

    Yes of course I have a filter between the gas tank and the fuel pump to keep junk from hurting my electric fuel pump.

    Originally in my tank at the gas outlet inside there was 3/8 steel tube about 4 inches long inside the tank that was bent at 90 degrees and exited the tank.

    The end of the original tube had a small round screen about the size of a flattened gulf ball. But the gas exit tube was rotted- and leaked where it exited the tank. So I removed the original tube and fiberglassed the original gas outlet shut inside and out-- and mounted a brass fitting in the drain plug hole where a 3/8 gas line is fitted.

    Now the drain plug hole serves as the gasoline outlet. What has happened is a ten-cent sized piece of tin foil somehow got inside of my tank and was sucked directly over the 3/8 outlet stopping the flow of gas to the fuel pump stalling the engine. Also a tree leaf somehow found its way inside, along with some balls of paper that look like someone put some toilet paper or kleenex in my tank.

    I suppose it was just a freak event. Anyway if a domed screen was over the gas outlet it would stop some of such events from being possible or happening. But the Toilet-paper or Kleenex thing would clog any tank screen or not.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  8. Apr 27, 2009

    nickmil In mothballs.

    Happy Valley, OR
    Sep 23, 2002
    What would more than likely happen imho is that screen would plug up and make it even more difficult to service. I'd much rather have an external filter that was easily serviced than one more inaccessible. I've experienced that in some carbs that had a similar screen and you had to disassemble the carb to get to it. It was a real pita to fix.

    Sounds like you got it figured out. Great!
  9. Apr 27, 2009

    Patrick Super Moderator Staff Member

    Los Alamos, NM
    Sep 22, 2002
    Like the seal off of a fuel additive bottle?
  10. Apr 28, 2009

    SRedinger Member

    Now Eugene, Oregon
    May 14, 2006
    This looked like a chewing gum wrapper, but an additive bottle seal could to the same thing.

    I took the tank out-- and the sensor top off, and cleaned it. Perhaps I should convert to a new rear tank.
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