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New crossmember/bumper/swingout

Discussion in 'Builds and Fabricators Forum' started by bkap, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. Nov 24, 2007

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    This has taken a while and is still in progress, but I thought since I can't get back to the garage this weekend, I'd share what I've done so far. Lot of images for you photo hogs. :)

    You know, of course, how one thing leads to a bunch of other things, so when I started this I first had to replace the old low, externally-mounted tail lights so they wouldn't interfere with the swingout. I picked up a set of recessed LEDs on eBay. Turns out the local Harbor Freight store has some for cheaper but with fewer LEDs.

    I was originally going to use the stock cross member to mount a new bumper but soon realized it was bent too much and probably too thin to hold what I was going to bolt to it. This is what I started with. You can see it’s a little tweaked. Because of the rivets it wasn't flat, either.



    So I replaced it with a piece of 4” channel. Cutting off the original was a pain because it was riveted and welded. This is not easy to do with the body on and I eventually had to fire up the torch to get it off. I also cut out the “V”, which I’ll get around to cleaning up when I get around to doing a frame-off some day.

    I first plated the inside of the frame rails for extra support using some left over flat plate. There were some pre-existing holes, which I used to weld the plate to the frame for extra support. (Pardon the guerrilla welds.) I also welded up the stock frame holes.





    I then used ½” plate welded inside the channel and bolted to the frame. I was going to sandwich the frame with double mounting plates but decided this would be as strong and much easier to do. I don’t think this is going anywhere soon. The body is mounted through the top of the channel but I didn’t get photos of that.


    The finished cross member. The 26 3/8 you see written on the tailgate is a measurement I took to make sure the frame rails didn't move after I cut out the original cross member. It didn't move, by the way.


    Next I built up a bumper using the general guidelines from a guy on the Jeep Forum. Honestly, I don’t know how we plagiarized before the Internet. :) Anyway, thanks to him for his ongoing efforts to share his knowledge.

    I built the bumper mounts out of 4” x 4” box tubing welded to ½” x 4” plate, which I bolted to the crossmember. Notice I put the bolts on both sides of the frame rails for extra support.



    I bought the clevis mounts and swing out pivet stuff from A-Z Fabrication. Very reasonable. The receiver came from a local tailer supply shop. I was going to make my own, but for a couple of bucks it wasn't worth the effort. After carefully marking where I wanted everything to go, I first cut holes with hole saws, then squared them off with a cut off wheel. Notice how neat I keep the scrap metal under the bench. R)



    Make sure you leave enough sticking through so you can get a good weld on it.



    I put the clevis mounts so they would be inside the welded up mounting brackets for extra strength. I also added some plate under the receiver for safety chains.


    I started on the swing out but got side tracked with how I'm going to mount the fuel cans. I've realized the errors of my ways and am working on redoing that. Also, I'm trying to be cheap with the latch and treaded the mounting plate for a bolt. But I'm beginning to think I may just buy a latch for it. We'll see what I end up with. More on that as it develops. :)


    As you can see, I've still got some work to do. I'll also be adding a top basket, license plate holder, jack mount and maybe another stop light, although with the new LEDs, anyone who can't see those isn't trying. I'm also thinking of putting on a backup light. Probably an antenna bracket, as well. Once everything is welded up, I'll clean up the welding goober and paint. Stay tuned...
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2007
  2. Nov 24, 2007

    Patrick Super Moderator Staff Member

    Los Alamos, NM
    Sep 22, 2002
    Nice work!
  3. Nov 24, 2007

    jd7 Sponsor

    Mar 30, 2004
  4. Nov 24, 2007

    packrat2A Member

    McAlester, OK
    Oct 23, 2004
    NICE X3!

    Makes me wanna get back out to the garage and do something to mine.....

    >looks at the thermometer = 38* with 70% humidity = 31*<

    Nope, I'm not going out there.
    Yep, I'm a wuss.....:)
  5. Nov 24, 2007

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    We're having a cold snap, too. About 58 degrees. :rofl: Hey, it was in the high 70s for Thanksgiving! I ate outside! :)

    It would be a perfect garage day here if it weren't for all the term papers I have to write this weekend. It's times like these I wonder why it was I thought another Anthropology graduate course was a good idea. I've left too many brain cells on the garage floor (and other places, of course) over the years. :smash:
  6. Nov 24, 2007

    Hawk62cj5 Captain of OldSkool

    Southern Va
    Oct 28, 2004
    Very good work man 8)
  7. Nov 24, 2007

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Very nice! I may copy some idears :)
  8. Nov 24, 2007

    bkd Moderator Supreme Staff Member 2022 Sponsor

    K-Town Tenn.
    Apr 29, 2007
    nice work.....looks great
    Jim S.
  9. Nov 24, 2007

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    Thanks for all the comments.

    You should. I certainly did. :)
  10. Nov 25, 2007

    jnel New Member

    N.E. Cal.
    Jan 16, 2004
    Looks great!

    Keep us posted on your progress.

    I need to build one also. I haven't figured out how to do the latch yet. I want something strong and doesn't rattle.
  11. Nov 25, 2007

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    Thanks. So far on the latch, I've drilled holes for a pad lock, as well as threaded holes for a bolt. I'm working on a way to keep the bolt from rotating out and allowing the carrier to rattle. I'm hoping to get to that next weekend.
  12. Nov 25, 2007

    willys59cj5 Sponsor

    Gilroy, CA
    Jun 1, 2005
    Very nice work... You make it look easy. I really like the way you re-inforced the frame and sandwiched it! Very sturdy. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Nov 26, 2007

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    Thanks. (The advantage of these how-to things is that you don't get to see all the mistakes.) R)

    The hardest part was lining up and drilling the bracket holes. It seems to work best to drill the brackets first with a small hole (3/16), mark the frame and then drill those. That helps to center the holes with each other. Also, drilling through multiple layers can be a challenge, not to mention the drilling angle is a little stressful with the body on. :smash:

    I bolted the brackets to the frame before welding to the new cross member. That way I didn't have to fight the alignment because things move while welding if not secured. After welding the outsides, I took it apart and welded the insides of the brackets. Make sure to take a bracket-width measurement before and after to make sure they haven't moved. :)
  14. Nov 27, 2007

    tomcam Member

    Savannah Tn.
    Jul 31, 2005
    Good Work I have to do the bumper thing on my 59 soon thanks for the ideas an also the encoragement to git started.
  15. Mar 3, 2008

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    This project seems to be turning into my life's work but it's mostly finished and I thought I'd post a few more photos for those interested. I still want to build a cargo basket for the top but that will have to wait a bit.

    I tried a new-to-me trick on the plastic windows. The top hasn't been on since I bought the Jeep a year and a half ago and they were pretty gunked up. The PO had taped for sale signs on the windows and the dried tape was left over, as well as some other marks. I used mineral spirits, some light elbow grease and they look brand new. Well, with some Armoral on the rest of the top, it at least looks good from 10 feet. :rofl: I had to replace a few of the snaps but the PO was kind enough to throw in a kit he bought. I'll have to wait for it to warm up a bit before stretching the back window. I had the right-rear zipper replaced and he made it a little tight. :(
    This is the little latch that holds it open. You can see I rushed the finish work in a few places but after I throw a little mud and dirt on it, who'll notice? :)
    I decided to keep it cheap and make a screw-in latch for the swing out. The bracket is for the Hi-Lift when I get around to putting it on.
    The license plate holder comes out and the electric unplugs so I can remove the spare. For some reason, I thought that might be a good idea. :D
    These are the LED tail lights, NOT the brake lights. If someone hammers me from the back, well, they're not just paying attention. :rofl: I'm not too thrilled with the LED license plate bolt-lights. Maybe it just wasn't dark enough yet. :rofl: I may do something more traditional, in my spare time. (Yeah, right ...)
    Backup light in action.

    Onward and upward, of thereabouts. :D
  16. Mar 6, 2008

    trickpatrick Done? LOL

    North Idaho USA
    Nov 29, 2006
    Very nice .
    thanks for sharing.

    I put in some LEDs also and they are very bright.

    yours look sweet though.
  17. Mar 6, 2008

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    Thanks. I took it for a cruise to a local big box store last night and got the feeling of creating a beacon for tailgaters. :D

    I did notice some strange harmonics at low rpm that weren't there before. Sort of like a hyper rattle. I may have to pad the other can carrier and try that. I did that for the older can because it's more narrow than the new one and rattled a bit.
  18. Mar 27, 2008

    willys59cj5 Sponsor

    Gilroy, CA
    Jun 1, 2005
    Bruce, you and I had the same idea for the gas can carrier. How do you like how they turned out. I have yet to do mine. I Also want to make a caged carrier for the top. Keep the posts coming and thanks for sharing. I really like the work your doing.
  19. Mar 27, 2008

    TexColorado Member

    Reno, NV
    Sep 13, 2005
    That is slick. I like the quality you put into your work.
  20. Mar 27, 2008

    bkap Gone, but not long gone.

    Tucson, AZ
    Sep 9, 2006
    Thanks, Ryan. I haven't actually had gas in the cans yet due to a slew of other things to do, the least of which hasn't been installing the Pertronics ignition and trying to get the Solex adjusted so I don't reek of gasoline after a short drive. There's a parts house in town that is supposed to stock accelerator rebuild kits and hopefully main jets, so we'll see this weekend. Been planting the gardens, as well. :D

    I think the can holders will be good. They are very heavy duty but are held on by 5/16 U-bolts because I couldn't find any 3/8s or bigger. I'm planning on the carrier, too, time permitting. Time will tell on the can holders, after banging them around for a while. I'm looking forward to doing that real soon. :driving:
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