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Help with a CJ3b TC

Discussion in 'Early Jeep Restoration and Research' started by 72CJ5er, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. Nov 11, 2004

    72CJ5er Renegade Member

    Hampton, TN
    Mar 31, 2004
    got a neighbor with a CJ3b, for whatever reason he cant get it into 4WD. it has twin sticks and I beleive a Spicer TC but not for sure, cant really get a good look at it up in the Jeep

    any ideas on where to start looking as to why this is happening?

    isn't both sticks fully back 4wd low?
  2. Nov 11, 2004

    Boyink Super Moderator Staff Member

    Tulsa, OK
    Sep 20, 2002
    Here's the shift pattern:

    THere's an interlock pill that prevents 2-lo...could it be you're just confusing the shift pattern?
  3. Nov 11, 2004

    lynn Time machine / Early CJ5 HR Rep Staff Member

    Huntingdon PA
    Sep 20, 2002
    One likely source of not being able to shift into 4WD is the shift rails to the TC have been left in 2WD for so long that rust and crud has built up on the exposed portion of the shift rails, and they won't move anymore.

    Get under the rig, note the two rails coming out of the tcase and connecting to the shift linkage. Apply some good penetrating spray, PB Blaster or Kroil, to the shift rails and shifter linkage. Allow it to soak in, clean and repeat. Apply some lube around the seals so they don't get torn when you can finally get it to shift.

    Let us know if this works, or you need other suggestions.

  4. Nov 11, 2004

    72CJ5er Renegade Member

    Hampton, TN
    Mar 31, 2004
    ok, yeah both post will help, from what we were doing we were in "in" and "high" I am assuming this is 4wd high, so what I need to do is try back or "in" on the left stick, and forward or "low" on the right stick. I will also check under the rig for the sticking problem
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